
Waves vocal rider
Waves vocal rider

waves vocal rider

Its also why I prefer Native code over third party but that's just me. I hear subtle to quite obvious once something is in the loop. Lots of factors and some could be in my head too. I've been hearing the negative effects plug-ins have since I stared using DAWs for years now. I'd love to hear a before and after that shows a plug stealing something. I just think a noob reading your post would be afraid to insert a plug after. I feel like you guys got sucked into some alternate plane of existence and I don hear what you guys hear either that or it just doesn't impact my brain as being important. I know know your a very competant engineer and that you and some of the guys here are hearing phase in places I can't imagine.

waves vocal rider

Well recorded audio should be resilient and be able to withstand a kicking when mixing.

waves vocal rider

When I hear you caution people about using plugs especially if everything is ITB it sounds like the audio recorded is this delicate flower that might wilt if you look at it wrong. A daw eq or compressor is going to steal nothing unless used badly.

waves vocal rider

Compared to hardware were you can hear it just plugging it in and it generally will take a bit more heavy handed approach. They are so transparent that before I knew it I was killing something. For years I made pilot error decisions with plug ins. They leave nothing behind(with obvious exeptions). I just have to play devils advocate for a minute and have some philosophical banter with you on this:). I never knock something before you try it and I definitely admit, I've never tried it. Side chaining comps are very useful so it sounds like this is somewhere between. Or, what I'm doing to the center to rub it with the sides. So, every time I use something, especially on the center Vox, snare, kick and bass, I always think about what I am steeling away from the entire mix, not just the track, but the entire mix. I've never noticed one plug-in to date that didn't leave something behind that was worth what it did well. I'm running for the hills on most things today lol. And, like most good ideas, it seems entirely obvious when viewed with the benefit of hindsight. To achieve the same level of consistency through manually writing automation data would be extremely time-consuming and probably still wouldn’t achieve such precise results, so I don’t think I’m going too far in suggesting that this could be one of the most significant new ideas in plug-ins since automatic pitch correction. I found Vocal Rider fairly intuitive in use and the results sounded very natural, allowing me to be more discriminating in the use of any compression subsequently added. But if it saves a bunch of labour and can kiss something enough without leaving residue or an automated feel to it, right on. I guess out of sheer ignorance or lack of hearing it, I figure, if a track is this bad, do it over.

Waves vocal rider